Prof. Tamaki Nakano visits our lab

Release time :2018-11-22  Read the number :5063


          On Nov.19, 2018, Professor Tamaki Nakano from Institute for Catalysis, Hokkaido University visited our lab and gave a scientific report on “Circularly Polarized Light Creates Polymer Helix”. He started his speech from interactions between substances and light play important roles in life, and then introduced  reactions where chiral compounds are produced, non-racemic products can be obtained using circularly polarized light (CPL). In the CPL-driven helix formation of the linear polyfluorene derivative, strong inter-chain interactions were important in effectively induce chirality, which in turn implicates that polymers with weak inter-chain interactions cannot be subjected to the CPL method.  After the lecture, students put forwad questions and replied by Prof. Tamaki warmly. 


In the evening, Professor Nakano conducted in-depth and detailed exchanges with our lab members on the chirality and CPL of molecules and assemblies.

Professor Nakano got his Ph.D at Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University in 1991, and then worked as assistant professor, associate professor in Nagoya University and Nara Institute of Science and Technology. Since 2006, he became a professor of Hokkaido University. He got Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2009). He is the Member of IUPAC polymer division (2011~) and editorial board of Journal of Polymer Materials (2013~), he also is the Board Member of Molecular Chirality Research Organization (2015.4~). His research interest includes π-electronic and chiral polymers and supramolecules, photo-chemical asymmetric synthesis, and polymer catalysis, etc. He has published more than 140 research papers in many high-impact journals such as J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. ed., which were cited over 5400 times. His H-index is 35.


日本北海道大学 Tamaki Nakano教授访问冯传良教授课题组


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